Tuesday, April 3, 2012


You can also make money by uploading and sharing files like, pictures, music, movies, videos and many more and then make money off it everytime someone decide to download it.. A simple picture that may be interesting to many others, could make you some serious cash if its unique and  if many people like it

Just think about it, many people on sites like Facebook, MySpace Yahoo and others, would make request for an MP3 song, videos or specific pictures and you could easily answer them by providing them with your download links of what they're asking for and get paid for everyone who downloads your uploads.

Whatever you are uploading does not have the personaly be yours..It could be something you downloaded somewhere online then uploaded on a Filesharing program.

Someone online had made a rap song and uploaded it as an audio file, then promoted that song on specific message boards by providing the download link...many people like his rap and downloaded it...'Till this day, he's still getting money.

If you're ready to share file then click on the banner below and sign up. Join Uploading.com today!

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